Your August 2023 Horoscope Wants You to Own Your Newfound Confidence

August 2023 Monthly Horoscope
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Happy August! The peak of summer is officially here, and Leo season is in full effect. With Mercury and Uranus joining the retrograde movement and two super full moons lighting up the sky this month, the astrology for August 2023 is all about unapologetically shedding old skin and rediscovering what lights your fire. Take your time reigniting the flame.

The first week of August begins with the free-spirited Aquarius super full moon illuminating the sky. Peaking on Aug. 1, this powerful lunation encourages you to ditch the filter and lean into what makes you different. Channel this confident energy by forging your own path instead of trying to convince others to support the authentic vision you're building. To help you digest the significant shifts in your inner and outer world, carve out some time to pause and process around Aug. 9 when Venus retrograde and Uranus form a shocking square in the sky. This bold celestial alignment may bring about sudden changes in matters of love, finances, and beauty, which is why it's best to hold off on making impulsive decisions until Venus stations direct on Sept. 3.

Fortunately, a few days later, the sun and Venus retrograde in Leo will join forces, forming a healing conjunction on Aug. 13. This nostalgic planetary aspect marks the beginning of a new chapter concerning your values, relationships, and self-worth. Rather than clinging to the past and repeating unhealthy patterns, be open to discovering new ways to attract and receive what you want, especially on Aug. 16 during the liberating Leo new moon.

Keep calm during the end of the month, though, as it brings several major planetary shifts and ingresses. Starting on Aug. 23, the sun will begin its annual tour through Virgo, a mutable earth sign best known for its attention to detail and practicality. During this thoughtful transit, you may feel called to make more intentional decisions about your health and daily routines. However, Mercury (Virgo's planetary ruler) will also station retrograde on the same day (Aug. 23) until Sept. 15, so keep plans simple. Less is more.

On Aug. 27, Mars, the planet of passion, will march into loving Libra, heightening your desire for building and maintaining healthy social connections. What are you most grateful for in your relationships? How can you be a better friend and partner? Use this transit to spend extra one-on-one time with the essential people in your life. Just remember that unpredictable Uranus will also station retrograde in stubborn Taurus the next day (Aug. 28), so try to be more patient with yourself and others, as many changes are unfolding now. If you're feeling overwhelmed by the swell of emotions, use the cleansing Pisces super blue full moon on Aug. 30 to release distractions and catch up on extra rest. You deserve it.

See exactly what the next 31 days have in store for you with your August 2023 monthly horoscope, according to your zodiac sign and rising sign. For a deeper dive into your year ahead, also read your annual 2023 horoscope for even more insight.

Aries monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Aries (March 21-April 19) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Don't be afraid to take a different route this month, Aries, as the bold and bright Leo sun will be soaring through your fearless fifth house of individuality until Aug. 23. While this year's Leo season is not the most ideal time for impulsive makeovers and extravagant purchases (thanks to six retrograde planets), your August 2023 horoscope invites you to connect with trustworthy peers and groups who amplify your creative gifts and one-of-a-kind personality — not dim your light. This is especially true on Aug. 1, when the community-oriented Aquarius super full moon touches down. Illuminating your 11th house of friendships and technology, this powerful lunation highlights opportunities to update your online platforms and collaborate with aligned brands and individuals. How can you expand your social network and increase your visibility?

Keep an eye on your spending on Aug. 9, when Venus retrograde and Uranus form a tense square. During the week of this ego-driven transit, you may feel the urge to make impulse purchases and decisions to improve your self-image and self-worth. However, focus on your strengths rather than perceived imperfections. If you need a reminder of how special you already are, make a point to spend some self-care time solo dolo on Aug. 13, when the sun and Venus retrograde form a healing cazimi in your self-confidence sector. You'll be grateful for the fresh start during the liberating Leo new moon on Aug. 16.

Take full advantage of the rebirth energy the Leo new moon offers on Aug. 19, when the charming Leo sun and the North Node of Destiny align in your sign. This cosmic meetup is excellent for Rams seeking divine confirmation that they are on the right path. While outside validation isn't what makes you you, be open to receiving the respect and recognition you deserve, especially in the workplace. This is vital at the end of the month since the sun will begin touring through your wellness-driven sixth house of work and health from Aug. 23 until Sept. 23. Mercury is also retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 23 until Sept. 15, so if you are feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities, partner up. Mars will enter Libra and your seventh house of marriage and agreements on Aug. 27, encouraging you to take a partnership approach instead of going at it alone. Avoid overextending yourself on Aug. 30 during the purifying Pisces full moon. Remember, it's OK to ask for help.

Taurus monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Be patient with your glow-up this month, sweet Taurus — what's for you is for you. Your August 2023 horoscope is all about reconnecting with the deepest parts of your heart and life purpose. This is mainly because the loving Leo sun will rest in your sensitive fourth house of emotions and empathy until Aug. 23, asking you to prioritize what makes you feel at home in the world and your body. While Leo season is excellent for showcasing your soft and sensual side, pay attention to any standout moments unfolding in your professional and public life on Aug. 1, when the Aquarius super full moon peaks in your 10th house of career and achievements. This electrifying transit is ideal for overcoming public-speaking fears and improving relationships with influential individuals. Use this powerful lunation to advocate for causes you are passionate about. Some Bulls may even receive extra attention on social media or accept a promotion.

Family and home matters may become the center of conversation (and frustration) on Aug. 9, when your planetary ruler, Venus, and Uranus clash in a tense square. But this doesn't have to be a bad thing. Whether you're feeling called to add more color and personality to your living space or peacefully work things out with a loved one, try not to overreact. To support you in this transitional period, a healing cazimi between Venus retrograde and the sun will take place on Aug. 13, helping you maintain healthy emotional boundaries that support your long-term goals and creative process. Celebrate your growth during the liberating Leo new moon on Aug. 16. This confidence-boosting lunation wants you to own your progress unapologetically.

Keep this same energy on Aug. 23, when the sun kicks off its yearly tour in Virgo and your flirty fifth house of individuality and self-expression. However, remember that Mercury is retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 23 until Sept. 15, so you may be rethinking and rediscovering what brings you pleasure and satisfaction. This is especially important since rule-breaker Uranus will station retrograde in your sign on Aug. 28. Because of the planetary shifts, some Bulls may be extra restless at the end of the month. Host an intimate gathering with close friends during the Pisces full moon on Aug. 30 to relieve tension. Create the vibe you're looking for!

Gemini monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Gemini (May 21-June 20) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Take full advantage of the chance to flow at your own pace the first few days of the month, Gemini, as the lively Leo sun continues its annual tour through your curious third house of communication and self-learning until Aug. 23. While some zodiac signs need more time to warm up to the bold and courageous energy the Lion brings, your August 2023 horoscope kicks off on an exciting note. On Aug. 1, the Aquarius super full moon will illuminate your ninth house of adventure and expansion, highlighting opportunities to broaden your horizons and gain more recognition as the go-to expert in your industry. Although this energy is ideal for leveling up, be careful of overextending yourself on Aug. 6, when the sun and Jupiter form a tense square. Focus on one day, one idea at a time.

Treat yourself to a much-needed break from the social scene on Aug. 9, when Venus retrograde and Uranus (currently transiting your 12th house of closure and solitude) clash. Whether you need a self-care day to visit the nail salon or decompress after a stressful day of meetings and traveling, block off your schedule so outside distractions don't disrupt your peace. If you're feeling burnout creeping in, keep calm. You'll receive a boost of cosmic relief on Aug. 13, when the sun and Venus join forces and form a healing cazimi in Leo. While you may be tempted to talk yourself out of unconventional plans, resist the urge to conform to the status quo. Instead, channel the fearless energy of the Aug. 16 Leo new moon. This liberating lunation wants you to pursue your dreams — not run from them!

Domestic duties on the home front may demand your attention at the end of the month, Gemini, as the thoughtful sun in Virgo begins its annual tour through your foundational fourth house of family and emotional security on Aug. 23. Virgo season for you is an opportunity to nurture your emotions, reconnect with loved ones, and make improvements to your living space. However, things may feel different this year as your planetary ruler, Mercury, is retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 23 until Sept. 15. On a more positive note, you may experience significant career advancements on Aug. 30 when the Pisces full moon illuminates your 10th house of long-term success and public recognition. If there's something you've been wanting to do but you're afraid to take a risk, this lunation encourages you to stop overthinking and go for it.

Cancer monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Cancer (June 21-July 22) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Slow your roll this month, Cancer, as your August 2023 horoscope begins with the fiery Leo sun continuing its annual tour through your second house of security and self-worth until Aug. 23. Normally, Leo season is four weeks of increasing your income and strengthening your self-esteem. However, things may not seem as grounded and settled this year with Venus retrograde in the same area of your chart until Sept. 3. While you may feel eager to fast forward through the uncomfortable parts of starting a new job, launching a new idea, or being more direct with your financial and romantic needs, lean into the intense emotions the Aquarius super full moon unleashes on Aug. 1. This powerful lunation will illuminate your eighth house of transition, making it an ideal time to start over and choose a more aligned path that support your passions and creative abilities. What are you ready to let go of and release? What old skin are you willing to shed?

If energy levels have been up and down over the past few weeks since Venus stationed retrograde in Leo last month, keep calm on Aug. 9 when Venus and Uranus form a restless square in the sky. During the week of this transit, you may feel an urge to ask for a raise or adjust your budget to better support and sustain long-term goals. Rather than feeling overwhelmed by scarcity fears and unforeseeable economic events, use this eye-opening transit to reconnect to the source of your abundance and prosperity. Remember that astrology works with you and not against you. The universe is on your side. Fortunately, a blast of positive energy will be headed your way on Aug. 13, when the lively sun and Venus retrograde join forces in Leo, offering the self-belief you need to continue. If possible, please wait until the Leo new moon on Aug. 16 to raise your prices or start a new money-management practice.

Social obligations and communication projects may become the center of attention on Aug. 23, when the Virgo sun begins its four-week transit through your curious third house of self-learning and socialization. Virgo season is an opportunity to meet new friends, study new subjects, and organize daily activities. However, don't be surprised if things are more laid back and relaxed this year since Mercury is retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 23 until Sept. 15. Another major transit will take place on Aug. 27, when Mars, the planet of action and behavior, enters Libra and your fourth house of home and family. While this transit may bring tension with roommates and demanding loved ones, it's also great for learning to channel and express your emotions in a healthy manner. If you're looking for a chill time and to destress, take advantage of the creative Pisces full moon peaking on Aug. 30 in your flirty fifth house of pleasure. This energy is ideal for Crabs looking for some extra fun and excitement. Do you!

Leo monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Kick off the second half of your birthday (or rising return) season on a celebratory note, Leo, as the sun continues its annual tour in your sign until Aug. 23. While others may become slightly overwhelmed by the number of planets and celestial placements retrograde this month, your August 2023 horoscope invites you to harness your inner fire and use it to clarify your personal goals and wants for the next 12 months. This isn't the time to lose faith in yourself and your higher purpose. To help you stay uplifted and in good spirits throughout the month, free up your busy schedule to share a special moment with your lover or best friend on Aug. 1, when the Aquarius super full moon lights up the sky. This will be especially important when it comes to strengthening your core relationships and taking things to the next level in your business contracts, as the full moon will occur in your seventh house of partnerships, agreements, and marriage. What collaborations are you thinking about pitching or accepting? Is it time for you and bae to make it official?

Don't get too caught up in others' needs, though, as the focus will return to your growth and development on Aug. 9, when Venus retrograde and Uranus form a tense square in Leo and Taurus. During the week of this transit, you may feel inspired to have a heart-to-heart conversation regarding where you currently are and where you are headed. Use this energetic reality check to review your plans before fully committing. Do your dreams still excite you? Are you still in the same space you were six weeks ago? Be honest. Fortunately, a clarifying cazimi between the sun and Venus retrograde in your sign a few days later on Aug. 13 brings the answers you need to move forward. New opportunities may arise from these efforts on Aug. 16, when the liberating Leo new moon touches down. Embrace your fresh start!

The month closes on a practical note as the sun shifts into vigilant Virgo on Aug. 23 and Mercury stations retrograde in Virgo on the same day. Virgo rules your security-focused second house of personal finances and values, so this is an excellent time to evaluate how you earn and manage money. While planning and saving for the future is essential to building sustainable wealth, enjoy the fruits of your labor, too. If open to new hobbies or personal interests, spend some time on Aug. 27 exploring your favorite in-town venues and restaurants when Mars, the planet of action and behavior, enters Libra and your third house of local scenery and traveling. This cosmic placement supports your desire to add more romance and socialization with the outside world to your daily routines. Just make sure you include it in the budget.

Virgo monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Take extra care of your physical and mental health this month, Virgo; great things are in store for you, and you must stay focused. While the sun is still resting in luscious Leo and your 12th house of closure and solitude until Aug. 23, your August 2023 horoscope encourages you to use this extra downtime to prepare for September and the remainder of the year. So enjoy your rest, but take your time. On a positive note, on Aug. 1, a full moon in Aquarius will peak in your sixth house of wellness and service to kick off your month of healing and closure. This revolutionary lunation allows you to examine your work obligations and schedule, especially in a team or group environment. For some Virgos, this full moon offers an opportunity to accept a leadership position or support a coworker through a tough time. For others, it may signal the end of a job or community involvement. Regardless of what direction this lunation takes you, make sure you are paying attention to your needs. This is your time to advocate for yourself.

Speaking of communication, express your thoughts and opinions more intentionally on Aug. 9 when Venus retrograde and unpredictable Uranus form a tense square in your Leo and Taurus houses. Rather than raising your voice or approaching a stressful situation with more anger and frustration, minimize the drama in your life and acknowledge the conflict peacefully. Otherwise, a minor disagreement could easily be blown out of proportion if you aren't careful. Luckily, a healing cazimi between the sun and Venus retrograde in Leo on Aug. 13 arrives to smooth out any lingering tension. Take your time to hit the scene or make amends, though, as the Leo new moon will touch down on Aug. 16, and this is an excellent time to slip away for a solo retreat or self-care day. Instead of acting impulsively, this liberating transit brings expansion by prioritizing stillness and emotional security. Give yourself space and time to grow.

To help you stay grounded and committed during this season of rebirth and transition, the sun will begin its annual tour through your sign from Aug. 23 until Sept. 23. This means that for the next four weeks, you'll feel at your best when you incorporate your personal interests, identity, wants, and needs into your daily rituals and responsibilities, rather than criticizing and judging your ideas and thoughts all the time. Another thing to point out is that your planetary ruler, Mercury, will also be retrograde in your sign from Aug. 23 until Sept. 15, so be extra gentle with yourself this birthday season. If you want the best time to celebrate yourself and your accomplishments, consider planning an intimate dinner with close friends and family during the Aug. 30 Pisces full moon. Illuminating your seventh house of partnerships, this purifying lunation is ideal for receiving special attention from your nearest and dearest. Soak up the love!

Libra monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

It's not what you know, it's who you know this month, Libra — so don't be afraid to showcase your Venus-like charm and influence. While some Librans would prefer to take the laid-back and indirect approach to professional and personal matters this month, your August 2023 horoscope wants you to take charge and own your achievements, even if you are new to the scene. With the bold and vibrant Leo sun elevating your 11th house of community until Aug. 23 (and Venus retrograde in this same area of your chart until Sept. 3), use the first few days of the month to reconnect with mentors and catch up with old friends, as you're feeling more energized and confident to brainstorm unconventional ideas with those you trust before sharing them publicly. In fact, take full advantage of an opportunity to revamp your personal brand at the beginning of the month on Aug. 1, when the Aquarius full moon lights up the sky. Illuminating your fearless fifth house of self-expression and individuality, this astrological shift is all about being more consistent and intentional with how you express your creativity and one-of-a-kind personality with the outside world.

Keep this same open-minded, freethinking energy on Aug. 9, when your planetary ruler, Venus, and unpredictable Uranus form a tense square in your Leo and Taurus houses. While this evolutionary aspect is excellent for expanding your network, it could also trigger anxiety and fear of rejection. To cope with this restless energy, focus less on what others think and more on what makes you happy, especially regarding how you spend your money and who you choose to love. That's not to say others' opinions are not beneficial; it just means that now is the time to strengthen your self-confidence and belief in yourself, especially when Venus retrograde and the sun in Leo align in a heart-opening cazimi on Aug. 13. If you're feeling mentally fatigued mid-month with Mercury hanging out in your ending and seclusion sector, don't push yourself too hard. Instead of forcing yourself to be "consistent" and "productive" when you want alone time in reality, opt for a solo outing on Aug. 16 during the Leo new moon.

Though Leo season is usually a fun time for you, it's OK if you need some extra R&R starting on Aug. 23 when the Virgo sun joins Mercury retrograde in your 12th house of solitude until Sept. 23. Whether you decide to work from home more, create a sacred morning routine to support a new meditation or yoga practice, or commit to a 30-day cleanse, Virgo season for you is all about self-healing and closure. Take it easy. On a more upbeat note, Mars, the planet of action and behavior, will begin a five-week transit in your sign on Aug. 27, making the next month or so an excellent time to feel more confident while you rest and work on long-term goals behind the scenes. Lean on the cleansing Pisces full moon illuminating the sky on Aug. 30 to help you settle into a new routine that supports your mental health and work-life balance.

Scorpio monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Since July 23, Scorpio, the Leo sun has journeyed through your 10th house of ambition, transforming your career goals and public image. Fortunately for you, your work since then comes to a head this month, as your August 2023 horoscope begins with a divine alignment between the fiery Leo sun and the innovative Aquarius moon. On Aug. 1, these two celestial bodies will oppose one another in the sky, forming the first of two super full moons this month. This super full moon is powerful for you, Scorpio, as it brings insights into your emotional foundation and family history. Rather than running from the past, the Aquarius full moon provides the emotional and intellectual support you need to follow your dreams.

Keep this same energy on Aug. 9, when Venus retrograde and unpredictable Uranus form a tense square, adding more desire to pursue creative careers that support your unique gifts and passions. This awakening transit is ideal for Scorpios seeking more positive attention for their contributions and original ideas. To help you sort through your long-term goals and commit to a new career path or long-term partner that respects you and fulfills your needs, take a moment to pause and ask for clarity on Aug. 13, when Venus retrograde and the sun in Leo join forces in the sky. This loving Venus-ruled transit pushes you to cut ties with positions and relationships you've outgrown and, instead, connect with individuals and institutions who pour back into you, not empty your cup.

If burnout creeps in toward the end of the month, you'll be happy to know that the sun will slip into Virgo and your 11th house of friendships and groups on Aug. 23. While Virgo season usually is the best time of year for you to connect with peers and promote community projects, keep your to-do list simple this time around. This is because Mercury will also be retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 23 until Sept. 15, so plans may take longer than usual. You'll also want to remember that your planetary ruler, Mars, will enter Libra and your 12th house of seclusion on Aug. 27, another astrological event that urges you to slow down. Fortunately, the month ends joyfully as the Pisces full moon illuminates your creative contributions. Whether you celebrate the relaunch of a blog or receive an award for work completed in the past, give yourself all the praise, Scorpio. You're doing fantastic!

Sagittarius monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Follow your heart this month, Sagittarius. Leo season is your yearly invitation to try new things and expand your mental horizons. This is especially true at the beginning of the month, as your August 2023 horoscope starts with an adventurous Aquarius super full moon on Aug. 1. Illuminating your curious third-house communication and self-learning, this powerful lunation offers unconventional opportunities to share your unique wisdom with others. For some archers, this is an ideal time to update your newsletter, get serious about writing a book, secure a speaking panel or teaching gig, and binge-watch your favorite sci-fi movies and documentaries. How are you stimulating your mind?

Unexpected blessings may come on Aug. 9 when Venus retrograde and Uranus form a shocking square in your Leo and Taurus houses. Whether planning an international trip for the first time, learning a second language, or gaining more visibility online, this thrilling transit encourages you to lighten your work schedule to have more time for traveling, writing, and studying. On Aug. 13, the sun and Venus retrograde will sync up in the sky, amplifying your ninth house of higher beliefs. During the week of this transit, you may feel called to reconnect to a spiritual practice. Do what feels right in your spirit. You'll receive more clarity about your next steps during the liberating Leo new moon on Aug. 16.

On Aug. 23, the sun will slip into Virgo and your ambitious 10th house of career and public achievement until Sept. 23. This four-week transit shifts your focus to your long-term goals and professional aspirations. While Virgo season is an ideal time to make sustainable progress in all areas of your life, remember that Mercury is also retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 23 until Sept. 15. Use this time to refine your marketing plan. How are you promoting yourself? Is it effective? If unsure about your next steps, collaborate with trustworthy peers starting on Aug. 27, when Mars enters Libra and your 11th house of community. You'll be more open to listening to the opinions of others during the Pisces full moon on Aug. 30.

Capricorn monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

The best things in life may be free, Capricorn, but you've got your eyes on your money this month. To assist you on your wealth-building journey, your August 2023 horoscope begins with a provocative Aquarius super full moon on Aug. 1. This powerful supermoon will illuminate your second house of financial security and material possessions, making it an ideal time to explore new ways to monetize your creative hobbies and transform your digital side hustle into a full-blown business. While full moons are known for their celebratory energy, it's also important to be mindful of overspending on Aug. 6, when the fixed Leo sun and Jupiter form a tense square. Use this educational transit to learn more about investing and money management trends instead of impulse shopping. They'll come in handy later.

Make the most of this innovative energy by experimenting with new moves in the bedroom, getting a spiritual reading from your favorite astrologer, or reviewing long-term financial goals with your partner. Unique opportunities to merge your resources and deepen intimate relationships may arise on Aug. 9, when Venus retrograde in your erotic eighth house of shared resources and sexuality collides with unorthodox Uranus. While practicing new spending habits may take some adjusting, you'll receive cosmic support from the universe on Aug. 13 when loving Venus and the sun form a cazimi in sensual Leo. Some goats may even be moving forward with a new purchase or renewing a high-paying contract during the Leo new moon on Aug. 16.

Don't be afraid to show the world how much you've matured on Aug. 23 when the sun shifts from sassy Leo to grounded Virgo. This four-week transit is all about reconnecting with peers and being more intentional about how you document and track your progress. Just remember that Mercury is retrograde in Virgo from Aug. 23 until Sept. 15, so make sure to fact-check your information before publishing. If you want to revamp your personal brand or apply for a promotion, lean on your friends in powerful places. This is especially important on Aug. 27 when Mars enters partner-oriented Libra. Finally, end the month on a chill note with the Pisces full moon on Aug. 30. Use this mesmerizing lunation to dive deep into your intuition.

Aquarius monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Welcome to August, Aquarius. Soak up the extra attention and inspiration flowing your way this month, as your August 2023 horoscope begins with an awakening super full moon in your sign on Aug. 1. While this personal transit is magical for celebrating yourself and setting healthy boundaries with partners, make the most of this energy by treating yourself to a much-needed self-care day or a romantic date with your favorite person. Choosing the right partner will become even more critical for Aquariuans looking to take a relationship to the next level, especially since the sun will remain in Leo and your seventh house of marriage and agreements until Aug. 23.

Fortunately, an exciting planetary alignment between Venus retrograde and Uranus on Aug. 6 brings unexpected breakthroughs in balancing your needs with others. Rather than reacting to silly arguments and allowing restlessness to disrupt your creative process, this revolutionary transit invites you to gently resolve conflicts with honesty and grace, not anger or frustration. Meanwhile, a harmonizing cazimi between the sun and Venus retrograde on Aug. 13 offers a divine opportunity to add more personality to your home and living space, especially for those who have roommates or cohabitate. If you need extra one-on-one time to smooth things over or link up with a new crush, make your move during the fearless Leo new moon on Aug. 16. Shoot your shot!

As if the universe knew you needed a mental break from the busyness during the first half of the month, the sun will enter Virgo on Aug. 23, turning your attention to the daily routines and spiritual practices that make you feel the most stable and grounded. Instead of bustling between tasks, use the next four weeks to slow down and assess your habits. Virgo rules organization and your eighth house of transformation, so this is an ideal time to focus on starting a new chapter in your career and rebuilding your savings account. In fact, with Mercury stationing retrograde in Virgo on the same day (Aug. 23), the end of the month may be an excellent time to increase your knowledge of financial literacy and esoteric subjects like astrology and metaphysics. Some Aquariuans may even feel inspired to return to school or reach out to a mentor with connections in their professional field once Mars enters Libra and your ninth house of higher education on Aug. 27. If you're looking for the chance to earn some extra income or start a new job, wait until the Pisces full moon lighting up your second house of personal finances on Aug. 30.

Pisces monthly horoscope for August 2023
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Photo Illustration: Becky Jiras

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Monthly Horoscope For August 2023

Start the month off slow, Pisces. Your August 2023 horoscope is about respecting the ebb and flow of Leo season, especially since it highlights your sixth house of mental health and work-life balance. To help you stay centered during this dramatic transit, the month begins with an electrifying Aquarius super full moon on Aug. 1. While you enjoy the laid-back vibes this healing lunation brings, things may take a passionate turn quickly as Mars will also be forming a joyful trine with Jupiter on the same day, stirring up new ideas and creative musings. With the Aquarius supermoon occurring in your 12th house of endings and solitude, keep things low-key and protect your energy. In other words, use this time to stay in and enjoy your quiet time. You'll have plenty of time for celebration at the end of the month.

A tempting ex or nagging coworker may be hard to ignore on Aug. 9 when the Venus retrograde and unpredictable Uranus meet in the sky, but don't fall for the trap. As a Neptune-ruled sign, your strength is in your intuition. If it doesn't feel genuine, it's not real — and it's as simple as that. Fortunately for you, uneasiness in current relationships and work environments will gradually release once Venus and the sun align in a healing cazimi on Aug. 13. However, wait until the liberating Leo new moon peaks on Aug. 16 to make any significant decisions about how you wish to move forward. If you're feeling mentally overwhelmed, be more intentional with setting boundaries at work. Make sure you create space for free time in your schedule.

Although you enjoy the luxuries of Leo season, don't be shocked if your attention is pulled to relationship matters on Aug. 23, when the sun officially enters meticulous Virgo. Unlike Leo, which rules your wellness sector, Virgo governs your seventh house of partnerships and agreements, making it an ideal time to review how you share your current domestic and professional responsibilities. Though organizing your planner, getting adequate sleep, and meal prepping may not seem like the most glamorous activities in the world, you will be glad you did on Aug. 27 when motivational Mars moves into self-care-enthusiast Libra. While other zodiac signs may feel more tired than usual at the end of the month during the Pisces super full moon on Aug. 30, this is your time to shine. Own it!